Sweeney Todd Behind the Scenes!!

Mini Series # 4 on Behind the Scenes focuses on props!  Props are another crucial aspect of any production as they provide all the details that make a show real.  Does the character need to read a newspaper?  Use a phone?  Have a purse?  Is there money?  Food?  Are there dishes???  Anything that a character may need to carry on or off stage, or use while on stage can be considered a prop.  The earliest known use of the term "properties" refers to stage accessories from early morality plays.  The first use of "props" appeared much later in the 19th century.  In early theatrical days, many performers provided their own costumes, but weapons, furniture and other hand held pieces were considered the "property" of the company, which is possibly where the term derives from.  Others believe it is a term derived because the objects are the "property" of whoever uses them on stage.  A Property Master, which is the role that student Gabrielle Bourgeois served for this production and earlier this year, Thomas Fifield took on in Midsummer Jersey, must research a show, create a master list and then find or create all the props needed in any production.  Once every prop is gathered, the actors begin using them and it then becomes the Property Master's job to check at the end of each rehearsal or show to ensure every prop has been put back and ready for the next performance.  During Covid, that has also meant disinfecting all props each night to ensure safety.  Although props are usually ordinary objects, they must read well from the audience, especially under theater lighting.  They also must be period accurate when necessary and safe.  Safety is always a top priority with any props and they sometimes have to be designed to behave differently than the real object to make sure all actors remain safe.  Sometimes, actors must learn to work with props in very specific, almost choreographed ways for timing or the creation of a moment on stage.  Seeing performers get rid of their scripts and put props into their hands begins the real momentum of any show!  We are blessed with an incredible stock of props and talented people in our programs who are always creating new ones that meet the needs of every show!  Our props tables for any production are always labeled out so each prop has a designated spot so that the Property Master can do a quick check and immediately see what is missing, or if anyone else finds a random prop left somewhere during a quick moment, they know exactly where to put it back for next time!!!  https://docs.google.com/docume...

Up Monday in our Mini Series:  COSTUMING!!!!!