Re-Opening Plan and Use of Funds
The School Board has approved the School District Reopening Plan which is attached. I continue to monitor daily the active cases in Franklin, vaccination rates, and the rate of community spread.
We are required by the federal government to create a Use of Funds Plan for the approximate $5.9 million dollars in ESSER III funds we will be receiving through fiscal year 2024.
The Board approved our plan which is also attached for your review. This plan sets a framework for our anticipated use of the funds and needs to be reviewed and updated every 6 months through fiscal year 2024.
I continue to welcome any feedback or ideas our families and community members have on the use of these funds moving forward over the next 3 years.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or feedback.
Dan LeGallo - dlegallo@gm.sau18.org
SAU 18 Superintendent