FHS Celebrated at NHSAA Conference!

At the NHSAA (New Hampshire School Administrators Association) Conference for Learning and Innovation held every April in Concord at the Grappone Center this past Wednesday, Franklin students, teacher Jamie Smith and Principal Levesque shared the positive changes happening at Franklin High School with a room full of educators, administrators and students from all over New Hampshire. WIth a visual presentation, a panel question and answer, a rousing game of Rock, Paper, Scissors and a creative handout, the students and their mentors were able to share about the process and the accomplishments that Franklin has made, the positives that the students have felt in the wake of all of the change, and some of the stumbling blocks that they have felt along the way.

The students shared about the connection they have with each other due to the culture and climate crew they are a part of and how they are using that to impact other students and change the overall climate of the entire school. They talked about the power of the project blocks and the amount of credit and creative opportunity it has provided. They also talked about how open their teachers have become to new ideas when they speak up and share interests they may have for a new project block idea. The students were honest about some of the things that have not been perfect, but definitely have seen the positive momentum and those that still have 1-3 more years at FHS, are looking forward to other opportunities that provide them with more enriching courses on and off campus, as well as more ways to engage with their school and their fellow classmates.

The conference ended with an incredible highlight! A rousing performance of "Sweet Caroline" by our own Paul Smith Ukulele Group!! Tim Hazelton and our PSS Uke Group were invited to come and entertain and they certainly did! The entire crowd was singing and they received a well deserved standing ovation. Franklin was highlighted in Concord from beginning to end and received many accolades and the word spread that good things are happening!