DS Internet April 7

The Office of School Wellness is pleased to offer this opportunity to help support better reading skills at home!  The Demonstrated Success workshops are supported by a Promising Futures Grant through the NH Department of Education.   Please contact Barbara Slayton at bslayton@gm.sau18.org or 934-3108 for more information or assistance. 

Tools to Monitor Your Child's Internet Access
Wednesday, April 7

With so much time online, it is easy for students to get off course and into websites that might be negative or even dangerous. In this webinar, we will present recommended time limits for screen time, and highlight tools and strategies that parents can use to track their child’s screen use and internet journeys. We will recommend resources to help you educate your child on developing a healthy relationship with technology.

Presenter: Lindsay Mitchell is a NH educator with 14 years of experience in the classroom and 11 years of online experience.

Facilitator: Karen Matso, Director of Professional Development, Demonstrated Success education consultants