The Franklin PTSO Welcomes You!
Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month, at 6:00 pm. Please check our Facebook page for more announcements and upcoming events.
What is the Franklin PTSO?
We are glad you asked! The Franklin PTSP is responsible for sponsoring many activities throughout the school year. Many of these activities support the school's effort in keeping lines of communication open between parents and teachers. Other activities include recognizing school staff for their efforts, and raising funds to purchase playground equipment and educational materials for the classrooms, such as computers, televisions, printers, software, etc.
Franklin PTSO Officers:
President - Justine Hoppe
Vice President - Laurie Cass
Secretary- Sarah D'Agostino
Treasurer- Brittney Quimby
Social Media Mngr -
Kelly Raymond
Acquisitions - Caitlin Wardwell
Community Liaison - Stephanie Wolff
Teacher Liaison - Lilly Bacon
Volunteer Coordinator - Ruthi DeMasse-MaGina
Teacher Representatives
Laura Lagos
Bonnie Gilbert
PTSO Contact Info
The following links will provide more information regarding the activities we are involved in.
What to help support the Franklin PTSO? Use Amazon Smile to help us raise funds to support our school
Search for and Select "Paul Smith School PTA"
Shop Amazon through and our PTA will raise money
Everyone Welcome!
We welcome anyone who would like to join us on an "as needed" basis to volunteer for our different events. There is always a need for help. If you are interested, please contact a PTO member.