March 14, 2023
The New Hampshire Department of Education wants to hear from staff, families, and community members in our school community. The 603 Bright Futures Survey is available to acc...

March 10, 2023
Check out the Huot Open House on March 16, 2023!

March 6, 2023
We would love to invite all parents, guardians, and staff of the Franklin School District to learn about what the Mayor's Drug Task Force Coalition is up to for the next year, and...
February 23, 2023
Good Morning Franklin Families, I hope you are enjoying the snow day today. I am reaching out to you to discuss an article about Franklin in the Concord Monitor this morning th...

February 22, 2023
The Franklin High School Counseling team added School Climate Specialist Jamie Walters recently. She will support students and staff in improving the culture of the school. Jami...

February 16, 2023
Congratulations to our Cast and Crew for this spring's production of The Wizard of Oz!!! These hard working students will be dancing, singing and telling this classic story on th...

February 16, 2023
Take a look at the English Department highlights from this month!

February 15, 2023
The FMS Players- or the FMS Drama Club- has just begun this year!! With the help and support of the new music teacher, Mr. Zach Desmairais, a brand new middle school drama progra...
February 15, 2023
Community Day is coming! Save the date: May 13, 2023. On this website, please go to Families; Community Events, for all the information.

February 6, 2023
Our turn out for audition day 1 on Sunday was successful!! We loved spending time with all of the students who came from grades K-12 to participate in this spring's musical class...
February 4, 2023
Register HERE
Trusted adults have a more important role than ever given youth are reporting elevated stress, lack of belonging, and mental health concerns. When it...
February 2, 2023
Click HERE for a recap of the School Safety Forum, including link to video of the event, a handout with active links to resources, and a copy of the presentation slides.

February 1, 2023
Copper Cannon Camp is a tuition-free, one week, overnight summer camp. We are located in Bethlehem and serve children in any New Hampshire school district who is eligible. Check ...
January 30, 2023
Please see the attached flyer for information on the Franklin VNA & Hospice Spring Grief Group coming in March 2023 Grief Group Flyer

January 26, 2023
OPEN AUDITIONS FOR DISTRICT WIDE SPRING MUSICAL- THE WIZARD OF OZ!!! Our district wide musical is back!!! Open Auditions for all students K-12 on Feb. 4 and 5 at the Franklin Op...

January 26, 2023
FHS English Department Monthly Highlights

January 25, 2023
Congratulations to all FHS students who took part in the recent Lakes Region Music Festival at the Mascoma Valley Regional High School. CLICK HERE to view a video from the am...

January 24, 2023
OPEN AUDITIONS FOR DISTRICT WIDE SPRING MUSICAL- THE WIZARD OF OZ!!! Our district wide musical is back!!! Open Auditions for all students K-12 on Feb. 4 and 5 at the Franklin Op...