Competencies and Commitments
Franklin High School is guided by the Portrait of a Franklin Graduate. The portrait was adopted with community input in 2021 and is used to shape a dynamic learning experience so that all students graduate with the skills, knowledge and commitment to reach their goals. By the end of their high school experience, the goal is that all students will have demonstrated the six commitments of the portrait through the development of six inter-related competencies. All coursework is assessed on these six competencies.

Portrait of a Graduate Commitments
My success is connected to the strength of my community. I demonstrate my commitment to my community by sharing my gifts, abilities, knowledge, and time to support local endeavors and needs. I am able to develop meaningful relationships to strengthen our school, city, and state.
I can succeed in school and life and care about the quality of my work. I demonstrate a love of learning and a pursuit of skills, knowledge, and behaviors to reach my goals and potential. I take intellectual risks and strive for excellence.
There are resources available to help me and others achieve our goals and find success. I demonstrate resourcefulness by finding tools, community groups, people and workshops that can help me meet my goals. I am able to network and share within the school and community.
I take ownership for my actions and their consequences. I create plans to achieve my goals and self-advocate when I need support. I am able to work independently and collaboratively.
I understand the connection between physical and emotional wellness and how that impacts my ability to meet my goals and share my talents. I demonstrate how to make choices that improve my mind, body, and spirit in order to meet my learning goals.
I have an important role in the world and my contributions and actions will impact others. I demonstrate an understanding of the systems that shape the past, present, and how I can be part of shaping the future. I am able to recognize the impacts others have on me and my impact on others.
FHS Competencies
Students communicate effectively in a variety of settings for different audiences and purposes.
Students work collaboratively in a variety of groups and pairings effectively to achieve goals and create products.
Creativity and Design
Students create and design for various purposes using a variety of methods and processes
Research and Analysis
Students research and analyze sources for various purposes.
Students demonstrate self-awareness, self-motivation, self-control, self-advocacy, and adaptability through reflection.
Knowledge and Application
Students demonstrate knowledge of content vocabulary and concepts and can apply them in various situations for various purposes.