November 20, 2020
FHS Senior, Chloe Bushaw, worked and then purchased over 750 toys for the Toys for Tots program and delivered them to the New Hampshire State Police in Concord! Way to be GOLDEN C...

November 20, 2020
Karma Korner is a student driven room within the high school. In Karma Korner, students have free of cost, anonymous access to shoes, undergarments, clothing, coats, toiletries, ...

November 20, 2020
You will be receiving an application in the mail from SAU 18 and it would be greatly appreciated if you could fill it out and return it to us.
November 19, 2020
Join NAMI NH's Child and Youth Focused Virtual Series via ZOOM. Register here: Community Conversations Dr. Ross Greene is the author of The Explosive Child, Lost at School, ...

November 18, 2020
Dear Franklin Families,
Attached are the family survey results from our Thanksgiving survey last week. Thank you to all who were able to respond to the survey. The School Boa...
November 18, 2020
Dear Franklin Families,
We have received information from the Department of Education that our free and reduced meal student counts are down 41% from last year's numbers. This...

November 16, 2020
We are pleased to announce that we have created a partnership Program with Dell for a discount program. Please click on the links below for details. Dell Info Flyer

November 9, 2020
Dear Franklin Families:
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday we are trying to plan for our return after the break. Please take a moment this week to complete this anony...

November 2, 2020
Registration for new students is ongoing please click here: ALMA Start For returning students, please call your students school secretary. Registration for returning studen...

November 1, 2020
Canine Miller and Officer Tracy stopped by at the first dress rehearsal of Midsummer Jersey to wish those hard working kids the best as they open Nov. 5-8!!! Tickets on sale now!

October 29, 2020
October 2020
Dear Students and Families of the Class of 2021,
Senior year has arrived! Before high school seniors prepare to walk across the stage to receive a diploma, reme...
October 28, 2020
Dear Franklin Families,
I am pleased to report that our work is completed and that all 3 schools will be open tomorrow for Cohort B students. I appreciate your cooperation and...

October 28, 2020
After nearly 8 months off the stage, the talented teen performers are back and ready to share a live theatrical performance with you!! Tickets are on sale now for Midsummer Jers...

October 28, 2020
The first time back on stage in over 8 months- the talented teen performers of Franklin are back on the stage and taking EVERY safety precaution to be able to share their newest p...

October 19, 2020
The students in grades 4-12 are finally back!! After waiting over 6 months to be allowed back into the theater, and two months of rehearsing, 46 of our talented on and off stage ...
October 13, 2020
Good morning Franklin Families, The Franklin School District continues to work with the Department of Health and Human Services on contact tracing and notifications from our two ...