Dear FHS Families,

We are asking for your help in executing our intended plan to open school to all students following our April vacation. The two options to select from beginning May 4th are: 

1. Physically attending school four days a week (with Mondays a remote day for all)

2. Or attending FHS as a full time remote learner five days a week.

We are asking you to complete this google form below to inform us of your choice:

Any parent who does not respond to this inquiry by Monday, March 30th will receive a phone call confirming your choice. Additionally we also need to know if your your child will need bus transportation to/from school.

Our hope is that by April 1st we will have an estimate of the number of students who will be attending school for in person instruction and those who are opting to access their education remotely. Please feel free to call us at 934-5441 ex 3428 with any questions, or simply to let us know of your decision as well.

Thank you in advance for your response.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Principal Charette


Assistant Principal Westphal